Handbags are a super important accessory and should not only need to be stylish, but also functional and durable. When selecting a handbag, we want a bag that expresses who we are, but that doesn’t drive us crazy. Here are a few tips for choosing the perfect handbag:
Size-Possibly one of the most important details to consider when choosing a handbag. After all, a handbag that is too small won’t fit the things we need to carry with us, which sort of defeats the purpose. By the same token, a handbag that is too large can be heavy, cumbersome and just an overall pain in the patootie. Are you looking for an everyday handbag, or something smaller for special events, either fancy or casual?
Color- This is the one that usually makes a handbag catch our eye first. Basic black or brown is a great choice for a handbag that will go with almost anything in your wardrobe, but what’s a wardrobe without pops of color? Like an accent pillow in a house, sometimes a handbag in a cute pink, happy yellow, or royal purple is the perfect touch.
Material- There are so many choices here – leather handbags that last forever, cloth print handbags that are super fun, handbags made from remnant materials that reduce waste. The choices are as diverse as all the ladies out there and are definitely something to consider when making that personal handbag choice.
At Whisperingtree.net, we work with talented artisans, such as Breezy Mountain Leather, Chloe and Lex, Shorebags, and others, who put attention to detail and quality into the handbags they create. Shorebags handbags and totes use remnants and provide work for women in impoverished communities. Chloe and Lex have a unique vintage style that’s super cool, and Valerie from Breezy Mountain Leather handmakes beautiful, butter soft, leather handbags with incredible touchstone accents. You’ll find beautiful options in our handbag boutique, including one-of-a-kind creations that are sure to please. Reach out if you have questions or need help selecting a handbag for yourself or as a gift.
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